Here you can explore few of my recent projects.
Rediscovering the Past
"Simon Laks’ music is of a kind that is not hard to appreciate, and is easy to enjoy without being superficial. His philosophy included a keen desire that music should not be boring. You will certainly not be bored by this recording, and Simon Laks is a name of which we should all be aware."
Chamber Music – my passion
Chamber music is ever-evolving; it is about discovering your own artistic passions, as well as learning about your music partner and the piece being performed. The process is never the same. Even when taken on a day-to-day basis, everything is liable to change, just as we are as people.
Helping to find your musical voice
In my work, I try to maintain a curiosity of the new, different and unknown. I feel it by accepting students groups into my class. Learning about their potential, motivation, strong and weak points – these are crucial to build a strong musical collective. My job extends beyond instruction of performance; it is to spread knowledge and equip with tools to learn about themselves and find their own musical voice.